Saturday 30 June 2018

SELF-LOVE: Body Confidence

Image result for body confidence

Hello Everyone,

I have recently been inspired to write about the topic of self-love, this was primarily due to Neels Visser if you've not heard of him be sure to check out his youtube channel and some of my closest friends! Self-love faces such a stigma around it because if you've got bundles of confidence you're classed as arrogant but if you're too shy you're classed as unsociable! There seems to be no middle ground to encourage people to just be themselves.  I'm going to be joined with some of my blogging friends so as a group we can encourage self-love towards all of our readers.

I will be discussing body confidence, a concept which has dramatically heightened through the rise of social media.

Quite frequently it's the comparisons we make between us and the models on front covers of magazines that triggers the insecurities we have. I am a strong believer that whatever your age, size, gender, race you should be able to feel amazing in your own skin.

When speaking to some of my blogging friends about advice to increase your body confidence, they said...

"Positive thinking! I know it sounds so simple but even if there are 10 things that you aren't happy with, try and find one!" - Becky

"Try to learn how to look in the mirror with pride, enjoy your clothes not your look" - Holly

I hope in some way this post has helped, even if it just acts as a conversation starter. If you have any advice please leave it in the comments below! 


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